
> One machine runs apache2 with services like owncloud as well as avahi-daemon. 
> Other machines (clients) connect to it, e.g. with the owncloud client, using 
> <hostname>.local as URL.
> After some time, maybe 2 or 3 minutes or so, the other machines loose the 
> connection. In a browser I cannot connect, I cannot ping, nothing. It's 
> absolute reproducable.

You cannot ping the machine's ip address, or you cannot reach (resolve) the
.local hostname?

> If I restart a client, it can reconnect, but only for a few minutes. This 
> happens for both, Jessie and Mac OS clients.
> I went already through a reset of the router, no effect.

Your router has nothing to do with it, unless it's actively blocking the 
The .local hostnames are resolved through mdns (multicast dns), which
is provided by avahi-daemon on the server side, and libnss-mdns on the client.

You could use a tool like mdns-scan or avahi-discover to list the services on
the current network, to verify the presence or absence of the service.

I suspect you may need to read man avahi-daemon.conf, specifically the
rate-limiting options. Of course there is no mention of what happens when
the limit is reached, or what the default values are. I would point you to
the server's logfiles, but I can't say for certain if avahi logs anything at 



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