On Thu, Jun 04, 2015 at 05:41:27PM -0500, Jose Martinez wrote:
>    OK, I probably have my system all messed up.  Here's the sequence of
>    events:
>      Discovered errors with the nouveau driver (I'm using NVIDIA GeForce 7130
>      chipset) and did some research, nvidia-detect recommended the legacy
>      304xx driver, so I followed all the instructions on the wiki for
>      installing said driver.  This broke the system.  X would not start, I
>      have only command line.
>      Not being really up to speed on everything needed to fix the system, and
>      having tried several thing to no avail, I boot to rescue mode, using the
>      installer environment so that previous root is not mounted.  I deleted
>      everything, except /root and /home, wherein I have data I do not want to
>      lose, in order to start with a basically clean slate.
>      I download and burn the jessie net-install CD and boot to that and
>      install jessie.
>      My broadcom wireless (using the BC4321 AG chipset) will not come up. 
>      This is not unexpected, there is no firmware installed as of yet for
>      that NIC.
>      I follow all of the instructions on wiki for obtaining the firmware and
>      installing it to bring the card up (which worked in a previous
>      incarnation of the system).  The card still will not come up.

Check the syslog and/or dmesg. The kernel SHOULD log a message to the
effect that it has found the firmware and loaded it.

>      I pulled out the old driver I was using which I got from broadcom, and
>      had installed it in the past to get everything working.  I attempted to
>      install it using the instructions provided with the driver (which had
>      worked in the past). The card still will not come up.
>      I do an lspci | grep Network command and the controller does show up
>      (03:00.0).

As an interim measure, are you able to install using a different (e.g.
wired) adapter. You may find getting the firmware to work on an
installed system easier than on the installer.

>    What the devil am I doing wrong, and how do I get my wifi adapter back?? 
>    Note that I had used the firmware-b43-installer package in a past jessie
>    incarnation and it worked great.
>  --
>  JM

For more information, please reread.

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