Hi sorry to bother u but lost need help and can't get for the life of me my
new device to comply I had an leg of ultimate 2 I some how auto installed
trusty alpha core  if I said it right forsure alpha tho but snappy app
won't leave my thinker alone in my explanation sry again but anyways I
signed up got account even had adminstration account used it like twice
signed up for mail lists then got error and verification was needed by web
master I think but thing is this was not capable on my end as a problem
arose I was disconnected from DNS  servers and had limited resource capable
route I could use as Google my carrier went nuts to render my device and
what I accomplished not known exhiled if they could help device and system
crippled but I was working but like I said had to use alternative means to
navigate. I at the time just acquired root on that device as there was yet
a method out to do I cracked it and not only that but also was running
Ubuntu 13.04 with what I previously tried to name alpha snappy or trusty
anyways this was also yet to be discovered possible yet via xda.,prepaid
unleashed, I posted a forum can be googled as to which forum and odd to say
why can be googled idk but to help a fellow out android seeker whom had the
same device as I on what I discovered thus the frenzy to bury an unknown
maybe to claim or maybe I did a no no  I was noobie day dev so idk then but
that aside can't access account but have emails of all with pass codes to
that and I have a stubborn ZTE z932l  and trying to get my old set up as I
fore mentioned granted I'm no master nor fresh fish but honestly stumped
and break in down for help Sir stubborn sake lol sorry again long way of
catch up but no way to clearly explain my delema I I could get some help or
help in helping me lol that would be sooo appreciated uve no idea  if more
detailed info needed plz ask with what I have I'll be as much help as I
hope not be a burden thank you and hope to hear from you soon either way u
decide thanks


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