On Wed, 2015-06-10 at 08:15 -0700, Paul Anzel wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I'm currently running Debian Stretch* and ran the usual apt-get
> update/upgrade yesterday. Subsequently, when I tried rebooting my
> machine Cinnamon keeps on crashing, giving me a prompt to go into
> Fallback mode (and if I tell it to restart Cinnamon, it just keeps on
> giving me the prompt again and again).
> I tried uninstalling Cinnamon and then reinstalling it, and the problem
> persists.

It might be this bug?

If so, installing an older version of muffin might work around it for
the time being.

Or possible switching to another WM in Cinnamon, but I'm not sure how
that works.

> Is anyone else having this problem? Do I just need to wait a few weeks
> for the next upgrade (and try some other GUI), or is there something
> else I can do?
> Thanks for the advice,
> Paul
> *I realize upgrading to Testing this early may have been a foolish choice.

Yes, these sort of things happens in testing, it's a "if it breaks, you
get to keep both the pieces" kind of a deal.

Sven Arvidsson

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