Le decadi 20 prairial, an CCXXIII, Arno Schuring a écrit :
> Ah, I did not know that the EFI spec didn't mandate FAT32 for the ESP.

You did not read my mail correctly.

> Well, default options are default options. Debian tools expect the ESP
> to be mounted at /boot/efi. That's enough of a "should" for me. Debian
> has always provided ways to deviate from the default setup, but that
> doesn't alter the premise.

I still recommend not mounting the partition during normal uses.

> ...and the EFI firmware only looks for bootloaders in a partition of
> type 0xEF or C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B.

This is not true. Let me repeat one last time. When the system is correctly
configured, the UEFI (EFI is obsolete, by the way) finds the bootloader on
any supported partition. The "system partition" with these identifiers is
only necessary if you want the UEFI system to GUESS the bootloader, i.e.
in practice when you are installing the system or doing other administration


  Nicolas George

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