arnuld uttre wrote:
> I wanted to download all Debian 8.1 DVD images at my friend's place because
> I don't have net at home. but all I see are 3 DVD ISO images available on

Have you considered using apt-offline?

  apt-cache show apt-offline
   apt-offline is an Offline APT Package Manager.

   apt-offline can fully update and upgrade an APT based distribution without
   connecting to the network, all of it transparent to APT.

   apt-offline can be used to generate a signature on a machine (with no 
   This signature contains all download information required for the APT 
   system. This signature file can be used on another machine connected to the
   internet (which need not be a Debian box and can even be running windows) to
   download the updates.
   The downloaded data will contain all updates in a format understood by APT 
   this data can be used by apt-offline to update the non-networked machine.

   apt-offline can also fetch bug reports and make them available offline.

It would take some sneakernet trips back and forth with a portable
storage medium such as a USB storage device or some such but that
would be a possibility.  Can get security updates and so forth that

> torrents, where as jigdo has available 13 DVD images:

Yes.  All of the DVDs images are available.  It is only that Debvian
is not hosting them as iso images on their download site.  It is a
problem of mirror site disk space and bandwidth.  Mirror sites do not
have infinite disk space nor infinite bandwidth.  There is a cost to
everything.  At some point there isn't enough space nor bandwidth nor
the associated actual cost of hosting them.  Mirrors would stop
hosting Debian if it grew without bounds.

Therefore compromises must be made.  The very little used images are 
not hosted.  It is very unusual for anyone to need or to use those 
images.  However they are available and you can create them for 
yourself very easily. 

If you desire any or all of the 13 DVD set for amd64 then they are 
available for very easy creation using jigdo-lite.  Here is an

  # apt-get install jigdo-file 

  $ mkdir jigdo-stuff 
  $ cd jigdo-stuff 
  $ jigdo-lite --noask
  ...lots of output and some minutes of time... 
  OK: Checksums match, image is good!   
  real    24m14.239s
  user    1m23.772s
  sys     1m9.412s

  $ ls -ldog 
  -rw-rw-r-- 1 3994091520 Jun 14 12:38 debian-8.1.0-amd64-DVD-1.iso
  -rw-rw-r-- 1       3.8G Jun 14 12:38 debian-8.1.0-amd64-DVD-1.iso

That took me 24 minutes using a fast local mirror on GigE.  Pulling
3.8 Gig off a slower WAN would take considerably longer.

> My friend keeps the DVD image torrent (in Deluge) on his computer when he
> sleeps and it is downloaded by morning. Kind of hassle-free download on
> torrents because his connection keeps on breaking/disconnecting every few
> hours all the time.  But I can not find more than 3 DVD images on torrent.
> What can I do ?

I don't know of any other way than to run jigdo to build the DVD
image.  Therefore your friend would need to be able to run it on their
computer or you would need to to be able to leave a portable machine
such as a laptop with enough disk space.  I don't know if there is a
way to run jigdo on a Windows machine for example.  Temporarily leaving
a laptop there would allow you to have control over the download.

Note that the entirety of the disk space is pretty large.  4G times 13
DVD images is 50 plus Gig of data to download.

If I were heading to an Antartic station where access to the Internet
is a precious thing I would definitely download the entire set.  If I
were using sneakernet to get data across town I would probably try
apt-offline and see if it could be used to download just what was

Good luck!


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