Sorry Arno my last message was mistakenly sent to you only and not the list.

Thanks all for you comments.

Pascal thanks for the tip about extending one of the partition and using
the free space i will do so but for now my primary problem is to create a
boot partition so that i can boot and replace the old 1.5 TB with 2TB
drive. as you said boot partition in GPT can be created anywhere not
necessarily at start.

Number  Start (sector)    End (sector)  Size       Code  Name
   1            2048         7813119   3.7 GiB     FD00  Linux RAID
   3        27344896      1980469247   931.3 GiB   FD00  Linux RAID
   4      1980469248      2930276351   452.9 GiB   FD00  Linux RAID
   5         7815168        27344895   9.3 GiB     FD00  Linux RAID

As you can see partition 2 is missing. when i am creating the new partition
it is starting from the "2930276352" (+1 ending sector of partition 4)

should i create partition 2 of a size of 1 GB. and make it as a boot
partition and install grup on that partition. do you think performing these
steps will do the job. or i have to more in order to boot my New 2TB GPT


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