Am 09.07.2015 um 14:39 schrieb Vincent Lefevre:
> Wouldn't the right thing be to fix broken software? Software shouldn't
> just require $network, but something more precise and/or handle error
> conditions.

Ideally yes. The reality is, that we have ~620 sysv init scripts in
Debian which have Required-Start: $network. Indirect dependencies not
yet accounted for.

So fixing all of them would be a huge task which will take years.

> The problem is that users without software really needing network
> (at least at boot time), typically laptop users, would be annoyed.
> This is the case with this machine.

The alternative is, to rework /etc/init.d/networking and splits it into
two parts: one which only activates the interfaces and another one which
actively waits for the interfaces to be fully configured.

That ifupdown-wait-online.service would be enabled by default but users
like you could opt out by disabling that service (well knowing what
consequences that might have).


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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