Patrick Wiseman <> writes:

> On Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 2:25 PM, John J. Boyer
> <> wrote:
>> I have net-tools. ifconfig works only for root. WHY? On other distros
>> ordinary users can use it.
> You haven't been listening to what others have been telling you.
> ifconfig resides in sbin, which is in root's but not the ordinary
> user's path. So either use '/sbin/ifconfig' or 'sudo ifconfig' as an
> ordinary user, or su to root and run ifconfig.

While suggestions of running it as root will work, it strikes me as a
bad habit to get into (running things as root that don't have to be).
Using the full path will work without running the command as root, so it
seems like a better solution to me.
"Erwin, have you seen the cat?" -- Mrs. Shrödinger

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