To all who have helped me so far, a huge thank you! I
soon realized that the subject line of this message is incorrect
since pop3 covers only the delivery task and I got that working
a couple of weeks or so ago. The indescribably joyful experience
of being able to successfully authenticate to an out-going smtp
smarthost that my ISP provides, however, has more than made up
for the false sense of "mission accomplished" I felt when the
first pop3 message popped up.

        I did take the output of an unsuccessful authentication
attempt and ran the base64 string it returned as the password
through base64 in decode mode and, voila, there was my user ID
and password in nice clear text as it should be and there's
where I found the last unexplainable reason for failure.

In .msmtprc, there is a line that looks like:

password 'BiG-SeCreT'

I wanted to be really concise so I enclosed the secret in single
quotes just as you see it here. I expected msmtp to strip those
out and that would insure that what was there was always taken
literally. What's there is taken literally, all right including
the single quotes. I took them out and I can now see that
authentication is successful and a couple of test messages went out
and have arrived at a remote host in 1 piece so I technically
can send mail but I still need to tie msmtp in to nmh which some
of you may be familiar with.

        That is a different topic for a different mailing list.

        Again, thanks to all for your patience.

Martin McCormick

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