On Wed, 12 Aug 2015 16:07:47 -0400 (EDT), Dwijesh Gajadur wrote:
> Hello Debian users ??
> I am currently a Debian Jessie XFCE user.
> I want to have your views on Gnome VS XFCE.
> I want to try Gnome but I want to know if Gnome is stable and works
> constantly without freezing and crashing.
> Please share me your experience with Debian Gnome.

I used to use GNOME (GNOME 2) because it was the default desktop in Debian
at that time, but I switched to XFCE when GNOME "upgraded" from GNOME 2
to GNOME 3.  Not only is the GNOME 3 interface very different from GNOME 2,
but on a number of my machines, GNOME 3 didn't even work.  GNOME 3
requires 3D graphics acceleration features in the X driver, and not all
video chipsets support 3D graphics acceleration.  Even for chipsets that
do support 3D graphics acceleration, there may not be an X driver which
exploits the chip's 3D graphics acceleration capabilities, or the driver
may not be installed because it is buggy or has security vulnerabilities.
The machine I am using to compose this e-mail falls into that category.
There is a 3D graphics acceleration driver for my chipset, but it is not
installed for reasons of reliability and security.

I switched to XFCE because it doesn't require 3D graphics acceleration,
and I've been happy with it.  Furthermore, it is designed to run applications
written for the GNOME environment.  The interface is similar to the GNOME 2
interface, which I am familiar with.  I'll probably stick with XFCE until there
is a compelling reason to change.  That's my two cents worth.  Take it
with however many grains of salt you think it's worth.

  .''`.     Stephen Powell    <zlinux...@wowway.com>
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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