Brian <> writes:

> On Fri 14 Aug 2015 at 15:41:07 +0800, Bret Busby wrote:
>> Some of the keys are causing problems and disrupting what I do, due to
>> the keys apparently being inadvertently pressed.
>> How do I disable the <Caps Lock> key, and, how do I disable the left
>> hand <CTRL> key, and, how do I disable the <Windows> keys?
>> Thank you in anticipation.
> We hope spoon-feeding is not part of your anticipation. :)
> You've searched and searched. xmodmap might have come up. In what way
> were the solutions involving this utility or other techniques you came
> across unsatisfactory?

That information is not obvious and using xmodmap is only one way to do
it.  Most desktop environments have a keyboard section in their settings
manager that can handle some of that.  The setxkbmap program will also
handle that at a higher level.  Use of that is not obvious so it
references the xkeyboard-config(7) man page which is still not obvious.
I handle my configuration with the following line in my ~/.xsession:

setxkbmap -option ctrl:nocaps,compose:rwin,terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp

The ctrl:nocaps converts the capslock to a control key, but there is
also the ctrl:swapcaps option.  Most of X11 configuration is still a
mystery to me.
Carl Johnson  

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