On Tue, Nov 11, 2003 at 03:22:49PM -0600, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
> Hi!
> I am doubtful that this gets a response... but here goes...
> Because I run BACKSTREET RUBY the *great* multi-seat Linux solution, I 
> cannot use framebuffers. So a, perhaps better, solution is to use 
> SVGATextMode, which sets console fonts by writing directly to the 
> graphics card. It, however, is no longer supported. (So no newer cards 
> are supported, but my TNT2 is, as Riva TNT2)
> This worked in all my Sarge setups with kernel 2.4.22 (and other kernels 
> too)
> So over the weekend I decided to build a Sarge system from scratch, 
> meaning from the rescue/boot disks, using drivers.tgz and basedebs.tgz
> At some point, after a reboot, stm s100x48, which looks great normally, 
> looks messed up. So I have to revert to slower, and uglier characters.
> By "messed up" I mean hardly readable.
> I downloaded the source, but it is a kluge. To understand, I mean. I 
> think it a great tool.
> Although everything else on the new system works great, I have no choice 
> I think but to try the whole thing all over and see where exactly it breaks.
> Strange thing is the other Sarge systems I have installed have recent 
> dist-upgrades done on them and SVGATextMode keeps running OK. So you 
> would think the code level would be the same.

You really need an answer from someone who uses svgatextmode on your
video card; I don't have an nvidia card so can't be specifically

Do your other systems that still work use the same video card?

Can you give a more detailed description of how the display is "messed

I did at one point find that setting 100x37 on bootup failed because
the timings were out and the monitor wouldn't sync to it. The solution
was to modify the bootup script to set 100x37, then set 80x25, then
set 100x37 again, and it would get the timings right on the second

Have you tried (a) experimenting with slower dot clocks while keeping
all other values the same, or (b) changing the width of the sync pulses?


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