On Sat, Aug 29, 2015 at 12:16 AM, Renaud  OLGIATI
<ren...@olgiati-in-paraguay.org> wrote:
> Systemd-Linux to get rid of su:
> https://tlhp.cf/lennart-poettering-su/
> Is this a trend to make _all_ the GNU-Linux tools disappear, and have 
> _everything_
> incorporated into systemd ?
> Cheers,
> Ron.

My interpretation of that blog post ranges from

    He's trying to imitate Ted Unangst's doas, but decided sudo isn't
a good enough target.


    This is more of his attempting to extend the ability of systemd to
completely wrap the kernel.

As a median interpretation, their group has tried to use su for
something they have in their roadmap, recognized the spec puts su
outside their planned use, and is working on a tool similar to su,
which provides a bit more of the fine-grained control they think they
need (and less of the fine-grained control they don't want).

And, because of the way they do things, they are currently selling
their shiny new tool as an alternative to su, which means they may
soon be coming around trying to get support from a lot of young,
ambitious new programmers willing to develop a whole lot of code to
replace a lot of system scripts that use su.

Just more of that re-inventing the wheel thing over there. Since
debian has decided to bring systemd in, it will affect us, but
probably not this year.

Joel Rees

Be careful when you look at conspiracy.
Arm yourself with knowledge of yourself, as well:

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