You're probably right, Jonathan.  "Su" is so common that it easy to make
that error. After looking at the current POSIX list, I did not find it.
Thank you for pointing that out.

Be well!

On Wed, Sep 2, 2015 at 10:55 PM, Jonathan de Boyne Pollard <> wrote:

> T.J. Duchene:
>> If someone can do it better, and still keep it compatible with POSIX,
>> more power to them.
> This is not the first place where someone has randomly thrown POSIX into
> the discussion.  "su" is outwith the scope of the POSIX standard.  It's in
> the SVID, but to my knowledge "su" never made into POSIX.  The SUS mentions
> it in passing under setuid() as a non-conformant application.

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