I have been a Debian user for more than 15 years, when the "war" about systemd 
broke out I mostly ignored it, I just removed systemd from my systems because I 
don't like the implementation.

Today I was setting up a new Debian system and wanted to remove systemd only to 
find our that the old tools "bsdutils" has been made dependent upon libsystemd0

"This package contains the bare minimum of BSD utilities needed for a Debian 
system: logger, renice, script, scriptreplay, and wall. The remaining standard 
BSD utilities are provided by bsdmainutils."

What the freaking !#¤"#¤"¤#"#%" are people doing!?

Why the hell has this collections of utilities from FreeBSD been made dependent 
upon libsystemd0!?!?!?

Freedom of choice my ass!

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