
On Wed, Sep 9, 2015 at 7:43 PM, Reco <recovery...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  Hi.
> On Wed, Sep 09, 2015 at 07:23:42PM +0200, Javier Barroso wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I would like to recieve feed back about a script which I have just
>> upload to github.
>> https://github.com/i5513/apt-history-gui
>> It is working on my computer, but I cannot be sure it will work on
>> other debian installations.
>> It is , for now a perl script which will present you dpkg.log and
>> apt/history.log in a ncurse interface.
>> I'm not sure how :all architecture should be analyze. So any idea is welcome
> Off the top of my head:
> 1) Please replace 'gui' with 'tui' in your README. Should help to avoid
> some confusion.
Done, I have planned to make a gtk3 version

> 2) Please document the need of installed Curses::UI::Common and
> grep-status. My Debian installation lacks both, for example.
Done, thanks

> 3) At least *some* kind of help text (preferably - a manpage) would be
> welcome.
Done inline, for the moment

> 4) While we're at it, "apt-history.perl-curses-ui" could use explicit
> license comment. As of now, it's unclear whenever you provide this
> script on terms of GPL2 or GPL2+.
Added at man page

> 5) Checking for existence of 'grep-status' *before invoking* probably
> would not hurt either. Using an absolute path to 'grep-status' is a good
> idea too

> 6) The message printed at line 93 contains a typo - 'possible' ->
> 'possibly'.

> 7) The message printed at line 202 is not English as far as I can tell.
Thanks, fixed
> 8) This part's 'grep .' meaning currently escapes me:
>   open my $grep_status,  "grep-status -n -FPackage '' ".
>         " -s Package -s Architecture".
>         " -s Version -s Status -n |".
>         "grep . |";
That is to erase "^$" lines, so I can play with module (%) operator

> 9) This part:
>   open my $hfh, '{
>     zcat $(ls -rt /var/log/apt/history.log*gz)
>     cat /var/log/apt/history.log;
>     } |';
> could use proper Perl opendir handling.
To be done

> 10) The case of terminal with less than 15 lines is not handled at all.
mmm I'm not sure how to handle it

> 11) The code could use some trailing whitespace and tabulation cleanup :)
I will review

> Reco

Thank you very much!

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