On Wednesday 09 September 2015 20:31:50 Paul van der Vlis wrote:
> Op 09-09-15 om 12:04 schreef Lisi Reisz:
> > On Wednesday 09 September 2015 09:34:11 Paul van der Vlis wrote:
> >>> Neither of these works with British 4oD or Channel 5.
> >>
> >> I cannot recieve that here I expect, and I have no URL. So I cannot test
> >> it, but I think you are wrong.
> >
> > How can you possibly have a valid opinion when you can't test it?
> It's my job for the last 15 years.

Since you haven't tried to get Channel 4 at all, it hasn't been your job for 
even five minutes.

> > It is you
> > who are wrong.  Everyone here, who can in theory get it, has problems on
> > Linux, which the channel acknowledges.
> Ah, so it has nothing to do with the choice between flashplayer-mozilla
> and flashplugin-nonfree? That was my opinion about.
> Yes, a channel can implement flash in such a bad way, that it's not
> possible to look at it normally for Linux users.

That is what I had consistently been saying.

> Yes, a channel can implement flash in such a bad way, that it's not
> possible to look at it normally for Linux users.

Yes, I know.  If you look I specifically mentioned two specific channels.  
They are trying to stop people blocking adverts.  The third channel paid for 
by advertisements is fine on Google Chrome.  And if I can get my television 
to run catch-up on those two channels by running flashplayer-mozilla, however 
illogical that may seem to you, I shall do so, however experienced in other 
matters you may be and however much you may disapprove.  

I would willingly do something else, but the only other thing that has been 
suggested (elsewhere) is Pipelight, and that too has proved problematic.

> E.g. here:          http://www.ookjij.nl/
> But this works:     http://www.ookjij.nl/index_win.html
> > Even flashplayer-mozilla is still not working on my husband's desktop.
> flashplayer-mozilla will install the same flashplayer as
> flashplugin-nonfree. But there is a big difference between the
> flashplayer what't installed in Chromium. Chromium is better in flash.

And won't play Channel 4.

Nonetheless, flashplayer-mozilla works on my desktop and flashplugin-nonfree 

> For security reasons I don't use flash anymore on my work-computer.
> What I see there, is that really many sites use HTML5 when there is no
> flash available. I think this is because of tablet-computers. On tablets
> is no flash available.

That is completely irrelevant to my presented problem.


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