On Wednesday 16 September 2015 18:46:33 Eduardo M KALINOWSKI wrote:
> On 09/16/2015 01:53 PM, Patrick Bartek wrote:
> > About two years ago, my original posts to the list stopped being
> > mirrored back to me. This happened spontaneously:  one day I'd see my
> > post; the next day -- literally -- I didn't.  (Replies to others' posts
> > showed up as they should.)  Never could figure out why.
> This is (or was) a "feature" of gmail - since the email is in the Sent
> folder, it does not reappear in the Inbox when the mailing list copy is
> received.
> > Now, out of the blue, an original post of mine gets mirrored back to
> > me.  Don't know what caused it.  I didn't do anything.  Gremlins, maybe.
> I have no idea why, maybe gmail's behavior changed.

Did you change your SMTP server?  If you use Gmail's SMTP server, this 
happens.  (Your emails don't come back to you.)  If you use another SMTP 
server, Gmail labels your emails as possible spam, but your emails come back 
to you.

I hadn't noticed that your email address was Gmail.


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