Steve McIntyre wrote:
Richard Owlett wrote:

I started over again. I switched to a laptop dedicated to things
that may not work as expected. For some of my projects I
regularly wipe the disk and do a complete reinstall of Debian.
Currently I'm running Debian 8.0 with Mate as DE. No updates.

I used
   blocks=$(expr $(/sbin/isosize /dev/sr0) / 2048)
   echo "Byte count: $(expr $blocks '*' 2048)"
   dd if=/dev/sr0 bs=2048 count=$blocks of=dvd8_2.iso
as a pattern for each DVD.

_Some_ passed your test of
  ls -l /media/richard/Lexar/dvd8_2.iso
  /sbin/isosize /media/richard/Lexar/dvd8_2.iso

  ls -l dvd8_9.iso
  /sbin/isosize dvd8_9.iso

resulted in
richard@debian:~$  ls -l dvd8_9.iso
-rw-r--r-- 1 richard richard 3976200192 Sep 16 11:50 dvd8_9.iso
richard@debian:~$  /sbin/isosize dvd8_9.iso

I'll tell you what's most likely wrong - you're storing your extracted
ISO images on a FAT32 filesystem which doesn't support file sizes
larger than 4GiB. That's why DVD #1 works, it's explicitly reduced in
size to fit on a 4GB USB stick too.

That was true at the very beginning.
Latest runs were under the home directory of my Debian 8 install.

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