2015-09-20 22:20 GMT+02:00 <rlhar...@oplink.net>:

> I have been using the following script (named "enscript+") as a substitute
> for the package "a2ps":
>     #!/bin/bash
>     enscript --media=letter -2 --landscape --borders \
>     --header='$n|A.D. $D{%Y.%m.%d}|$* gmt | Page $% of $=' "$1"

    Here "$1" means "for the first argument"
   If enscript can work with several files together, you cn substitue "$1"
  by "$@"
  If however enscript can only work one file at a time, you can do the

for f in "$@"
  <same enscript line substituting "$f" for "$1">

     Hope this helps.


> The script works properly for a single file:
>     enscript+ filename
> But when I execute
>     enscript+ *
> in a directory containing several files, enscript prints only the first
> file in the directory.
> I googled "bash script globbing", but the discussions which I found are
> deep and confusing.  Is there not a simple solution?

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