
I am trying to install Debian on a Dell620 with USB stick media. When
the installer tried to configure the network software, it asked for an
iwlwifi firmware file.

I put the file on another USB stick, then tried two things:

1. put the firmware USB stick in another slot before booting. The
installer did not recognize when it asks for the iwlwifi file, i.e.,
no success.

2. put the firmware USB stick in another slot when installer requested
the firmware. Same result as 1, i.e., no success

2. replaced the install USB with the firmware USB when the installer
requested the firmware. After Installer configured the network, I
replaced the firmware USB with the installer USB. the installer died
when it tried to partition the disk with message that it can't read
the install media, i.e., no success.


How do I get the installer to load the firmware file?

What is the reason for the problem in the installer prompts?



P.S. I found what i think is a solution to my installation problem,
but I suspect that it's more complicated then necessary and that the
debian-user list folks have a better one.

Once its survival is on the line, a species will often find powers
unimaginable in the days of its complacency.

Once its survival is on the line, a species will often find powers
unimaginable in the days of its complacency.

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