moxalt wrote:
> 'built the iso'- what do you mean by this? I presume you meant 'wrote the 
> iso'?
Yes, you are correct, I wrote the iso to a USB stick.

> I'm not sure what you're referring to as 'the GUI'- if you're using the
> netinstall CD with non-free firmware as recommended by Sven, you should have a
> text-based ncurses-based interface, as opposed to the graphical installer.
The above reference was for the 'free' version.  I have not been able to get 
the non-free to boot.  I have wiped the Win OS and now it just says no bootable 
device.  So I will write to another stick and see it that works.

> Your second suggestion I think is probably what actually happened. During the
> 'hardware detection' phase of the installation process (where as you noted,
> there are indeed no buttons), it can sometimes hang for a bit, usually for a 
> few
> seconds. It can take up to a few minutes on some machines, though. Be patient.

I will apply another dose of patience.  Thank you.

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