On Tue, 13 Oct 2015 22:09:53 -0400 (EDT), Stuart Longland wrote:
> This isn't level 1 helpdesk material, you'll actually need a technical
> contact there.

Their level 1 help desk isn't much help anyway, if you're a Linux user.
The last time I called their level 1 help desk for technical support, the
conversation went something like this:

Me:   I'm having an internet connectivity problem.  I can't ....
Them: What release of Windows are you running?
Me:   I don't run Windows; I run Linux.
Them: I'm sorry, sir, we don't support Linux.
Me:   This is not a Linux problem.  This is an internet connectivity problem.
      I can't ...
Them: I'm sorry, sir, we don't support Linux.  Is there anything else we
      can help you with today, sir?
Me:   No, I don't think so.

And that was that.  They'll gladly take the money of a Linux user.
But if you have problems, you're on your own.  That was a few years ago.
Maybe it's better now.

  .''`.     Stephen Powell    <zlinux...@wowway.com>
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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