On Wednesday 14 October 2015 12:04:27 Toan Pham wrote:

> Justin,
> Have  you found a solution to the NIC issue yet?
> FYI, I was working with Broadcom's test team but they pretty much
> dropped the ball on me.... So it is all up to us to find a solution! 
> Please share if you know how to get the NIC not to drop out
> intermitently.
> thank you,
> TP

From my lengthy but 100% failed experinces with BC, including hacking up 
the ndiswrapper to use the winderz drivers, you would be far better off 
to vote with your wallet and change the brand name on the card.  On my 
old HP lappy, which had XP on it as OEM, and a broadcom 4318 radio in 
it, one that would not connect for more than 15 seconds when running XP, 
so I plugged in a netgear USB radio, rebooted, and it just worked(tm).

But I've upgraded the lappy to an XFCE vesion of Mint 17 now, and I've 
shut the wired relay router's radio off in the shop because a neighbor 
had managed the passphrase & was using my bandwidth. Shut it off hard by 
replacing the router with a small 4 port hub. :)  They can't use what 
isn't available.

I still don't think I have any neighbors that close AND that smart, but 
it happened.  They could not get to me, but they could get to the 
internet thru it as it had access to the gateway router. That one is 
running dd-wrt, and the only one who has come thru it, I had to give him 
the username & pw. I used to watch the logs, but that was a boring waste 
of time.  Nothing unwanted gets thru dd-wrt.

YMMV of course, but some folks enjoy the challenge of trying to make 
broken by design stuff work.  I do too, but there is a point too far 
that you can easily surpass with BC gear.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
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