On Wednesday 09 September 2015 14:56:54 Brian wrote:
> I've just did a completely new installation of flashplugin-nonfree on a
> machine which had never seen it. Your eternally turning white circle is
> what I get. My feeling is that this has something to do with protected
> video on 4od.
> https://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/multi/flash-player-11-problems-playing.
> Installing hal, hal-info, libhal1 and libhal1-storage cures it for me
> but you seem to have a more diverse set of issues.
> For some reason which I cannot remember I got the debs from a Ubuntu
> PPA. Maybe the Wheezy ones didn't work for me.

I just did a new installation of Wheezy, installed just HAL, and installed 
flashplugin-nonfree.  4oD is working.  Whether usably remains to be seen, 
because it is running on a rather old and slow machine.

This week I am going to try this (install Wheezy, install HAL, install 
flashplugin-nonfree) on my TV machine, and will again report back.  Provided 
that I can find a no-rugby day.  I can't put the machine out of action on a 
rugby day.


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