Version without any markup-interpreted markings----- Original Message 
-----From: Renaud OLGIATI <> (Ron)Date: 
Wednesday, October 21, 2015 4:58 pmSubject: Re: System Dorked -- Help!To: 
debian-user@lists.debian.orgOn Wed, 21 Oct 2015 16:32:40 wrote: ----- Original Message -----From:  Wednesday, October 21, 2015 11:18 amSubject: Re: 
System Dorked -- Help!To: ----- Original Message 
-From: Wednesday, October 21, 2015 10:24 am Subject: 
System Dorked -- Help!To: debian-user@lists.debian.orgAfter being warned of 
impending failure of my oldie but goodie 80gig disk -- I had placed my root 
directory there because the installation's partition was too small and did this 
successfully -- I moved the root directory to a partition on another disk, 
edited files, ran lilo, seemingly successfully, and voile: No boot. Get 99's or 
nothing at all.Going into a live Debian 7, I mounted the old and new 
partitions, copied the modified files (which had been done on the old version 
:-) ) and chroot and tried to re-run lilo. Segmentation fault.I had been 
running an up-to-date Sid so maybe that is the problem. The lilo is on the 
partition, not on the live distro.Fact is, with certain combination of cabling, 
I had the bootloader actually work, load the initrd, and start up, but the new 
root was not connected so could not proceed. So what can I do about 
this?More:Tried lilo installed to the live distro  and ran from command line 
specifying the configuration file and map. This is what I get:Fatal: Trying to  
map files from unnamed device 12 (NFS/RAID mirror down ?)Ok, no segment fault. 
If I use the -q option, it will display my boot choices.So, what's next?And 
more:: Googling that I can bind /proc, /dev to chroot and then the installed 
lilo will run! Same results with or without /proc binding./dev binding got rid 
of the original error.Boots up with a load of errors but I am now in a machine 
called "Kali Linux" I cannot log on to anything. Errors too numerous and fast 
to see. ACPI, does not work on this system anyway. Login service failed to 
start. Etc.So maybe!! almost there.What else need I do get back to where I 
was?Something else to bind?Copy to restore from the original root 
directory?Possibly the "user" login from the live distro might work 
(password?), and I could recreate previous users if need be but that does not 
touch the other errors.So what can I do about this?‭‮

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