All my many installations are seriously multiboot, with typically no less
than 10 distro installations within a HD's first year of use, and upwards of
30 partitions as HD warranty becomes a distant memory.

In order to Keep It (multiboot) Stupidly Simple, most booting here is via
Grub 0.97.x. So as a first attempt to revert from grub2 to grub-legacy I've
been trying with a 64 bit intel CPU wheezy installation on host msi85. I did
apt-get purge of os-prober and everything I could identify as related to
grub2, rebooted, then tried apt-get install grub-legacy. That pulled in
grub-common, claiming to have installed both. But, nothing reached
/boot/grub/. On rpm systems, rpm -i of a grub-legacy package populates
/boot/grub/ with things like, menu.lst, stage1, stage2 and
*stage*. Enabling use as bootloader on the / partition can be a simple matter
of creating a menu.lst and running setup from the grub shell. Thus, I rarely
make use of any grub scripts personally managing multiboot configuration.

Why didn't/doesn't apt-get put anything in /boot/grub/?

When I first tried to run grub from root shell in wheezy, first command
attempted, as suggested by grub's man page, is find /boot/grub/stage1. This
listed the first 3 instances, (hd0,0), (hd0,1), (hd0,7), then hung. I aborted
with Ctrl-C, then rebooted after disconnecting hd1, and tried again, reaching
same hang. Anyone know whether this hang would be a bug, known or previously
unknown, or some pre-configuration or configuration required in a debian that
isn't necessary in an rpm distro? I tried searching on, but
as a 15 year user of various Bugzillas, I'm not making much sense of how the
search by keyword(s) process is supposed to work on I get an error message "An error occurred.
Error was: You have to choose something to select by " but with no sign of
what mandatory select list I'm missing.

I tried running setup for wheezy from a grub> shell in openSUSE 13.1, but
attempting to chainload boot from it, it only does

        chainloader (hd0,14)+1
        GRUB Loading stage2..

and locks up the machine.

I tried repeating setup from LMDE2 Betsy like I tried in openSUSE, but it
hangs sooner than it did in wheezy, simply by hitting <return> after typing
find /boot/grub/stage1. I tried to chroot to wheezy from lmde to run grub
shell, but it hangs after showing instance 3 (hd0,7) same as run booting
wheezy directly.
"The wise are known for their understanding, and pleasant
words are persuasive." Proverbs 16:21 (New Living Translation)

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata  ***

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