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On Tue, Oct 27, 2015 at 09:03:20PM -0400, Doug wrote:
> On 10/28/2015 12:39 AM, David Christensen wrote:
> >On 10/27/2015 06:10 PM, David Christensen wrote:
> >>You are free to study the source code and help the OP solve his problem.
> >
> >Sorry -- that sounds harsh.
> >
> >
> >I say "study the source code" [...]

> I am not a programmer [...]

Who is? I write programms and still the innards of GCC are very
difficult for me to get at.

> What percentage of Debian users does anyone reading this believe to
> be able to read the source code (if they even know where to look to
> find it) and then to modify it to suit their needs?
> Surely Linux was a programmer's wonderland when it came out in 1995,
> but it is now a system which even grandmothers are using. I would not
> ever suggest that it become closed source--as I suspect one or two
> distros may be on the way to--but it should be realized that its
> original wonderfulness is lost on the majority of modern-day users.

In one thing I agree: Free Software in itself is useless. You need
the users who know and appreciate the advantages.

In one thing I disagree most decidedly: being fatalist about the
"dumb users". We have to keep up easing access to others, so that
Free actually works, because it presupposes users who can, in a
pinch, help themselves.

Let's go teach grandma (why not grandpa as well?) functional
programming! [1]

- - - - - - - - -
[1] Yeah, oversimplified and that: but still: Free is useless if it
is inaccessible. There are many aspects to accessibility: good docs,
well-written programs and the saturday afternoon thing in which we
exchange cookies for "teach me how to write a bug report" (yes, this
saturday I'll have some cookies, looking forward).

- -- tomás
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