It may have, but the proprietary software is unnecessary if you use archlinux to install it and get it up and running. You need wpa_supplicant; iw, dialog and netctl packages installed. Now I have an rt2780 usb wifi adapter and have this working. Once those packages are installed, you run netctl list and the first string that returns will be at least one wifi possibility. The next thing to do is type netctl enable network string from netctl list. Then reboot the computer and watch your wifi network come up. What I just described I have no idea how to do with any form of debian. Earlier I documented what happened with the firmware debian disk on an acer 5003 notebook which is an amd clone and my real amd k8 athelon machines.

On Thu, 29 Oct 2015, Sven Arvidsson wrote:

Date: Thu, 29 Oct 2015 11:28:45
From: Sven Arvidsson <>
Subject: Re: Suitable USB WiFi Adapter

On Thu, 2015-10-29 at 10:43 -0300, Renaud OLGIATI wrote:
This dongle, which has a long aerial, works out of the box on my
raspbian Raspberry-Pi, no driver needed.

I have something similar, quite like the possibility to use an external

But it's Ralink, so it has proprietary firmware right?


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