On Tue 10 Nov 2015 at 21:23:38 -0500, Felix Miata wrote:

> >> Pastebin your current /boot/grub/grub.cfg
> Pastebin means upload the information to
>       http://paste.debian.net/
> or
>       http://pastebin.com/
> or
>       http://paste.opensuse.org/
> or
>       http://paste.ubuntu.com/
> or equivalent, or to your own personal web space, and put a link thereto in
> your mailing list reply.
> Pasting logs and configs into email puts it wasting space in the mailing list
> archive forever.

No log or config which helps in solving a problem is wasted space.
A grub.cfg is not large.

> Pastebinning is temporary, a week or month or whatever the particular paste
> host is configured for.

Temporary means context is lost.

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