I am running Wheezy and I want to install Android Studio. I am looking at the following post:


I already have multi-arch set up, as well as the required libraries.

Apparently, Android Studio requires Oracle's JDK and will not work with OpenJDK, so installing java-package and creating a .deb package of Oracle's JDK 8 is my next step. That doesn't look too bad.

My real questions are:

1)  The requirements for Android studio, posted at:



 * GNOME or KDE desktop
 * GNU C Library (glibc) 2.15 or later
 * 2 GB RAM minimum, 4 GB RAM recommended
 * 400 MB hard disk space
 * At least 1 GB for Android SDK, emulator system images, and caches
 * 1280 x 800 minimum screen resolution
 * Oracle® Java Development Kit (JDK) 7

Wheezy has glibc 2.13. The instructions that I linked to above are a year old and make no mention of upgrading from 2.13 to 2.15. Since so much is dependent on glibc, changing from 2.13 to 2.15 seems potentially hazardous. Is there a reasonable way to upgrade to 2.15, or otherwise satisfy this requirement while staying with Wheezy, or am I going to be forced to update to Jessie? I have not switched to Jessie, yet, as I am not convinced that systemd is a good idea. (This post is NOT about systemd and I do NOT want the discussion to take up that arguement! Please!)

2) The Android Studio requirements say "GNOME or KDE desktop". Do they really mean that? Can you not use Android Studio unless you are willing to use one of those two DTEs? I am running Mate. Is that close enough?


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