
Maybe someone can help me with this...

I'm looking for a backup solution with quite some specific needs,...
the idea is basically to backup my main data vaults (which are already
on RAID and regularly btrfs-sent/received to other HDDs) to optical
media (or smaller HDDs with e.g. another fs).

The following goals/features should be met:
the easier parts:
- regular files, symlinks directories must be retained
  for special files it would be nice, but not a must
- hard links must be retained
- file times, owners (ideally as IDs and names), permissions, XATTRS,
  ACLs must all be retained

- it must be possible to backup to split media (e.g. mutliple CDs) or
  multiple smaller filesystems (e.g. which I dm-(en)crypt and then
  burn to CD).
- I want always *full* files to be backuped (in both cases, when
  splitting and when doing incremental backups), so
  - a single file shouldn't be split over multiple backup media
    (unless this isn't possible otherweise, because all targets are
    smaller than the file size)
  - I don't want deltas to be stored (i.e. deltas to the last
    incremental backup)
  The reason for both is simply resilience and recoverability in case
  of loosing single mediums.
- ideally the program would offer two modes:
  - either trying to keep "neighbouring" files (i.e. those that are
    close to each other in the directory hierarchy) closely on the 
    split target mediums
  - or trying to be as space efficient as possible (i.e. place files so
    that space is used most efficiently
  with the first mode being more important.
- catalogues should be made, of both, all files and the files on a
  certain medium, also as a help in the disaster case

here it gets tricky:
- as I've said, incremental backups should be possible,... but that
  should also work when I move files around
  There are basically two ways, either the program sets it's own IDs on
  the files as XATTRs and identifies files based on that, while always
  assuring that IDs are unique. The disadvantage on that would be that
  it's not so uncommon that XATTRs are lost on files, when those get
  The other would be to use hashsums, which would be nice, because I
  already store hashsums of each file in an xattr... but I would want
  the program to really verify (i.e. byte for byte) when two different
  files have a matching hash sum. I know, finding collisions is
  unlikely but not impossible.

Well I guess it wouldn't be too difficult to script most of this, but
if there's already a tool which does the job, I'd be happy to hear
about it.


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