Thanks for the info J. I use autoclean instead of clean and it shows
certain packages deleted list after the upgrade.
My normal update/upgrade regimen goes thusly:
apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade
apt-get autoclean
I don't know if that is the bestest and greatest way to do it but it
does well for me.
Thanks for the info on the cron job situation w. apt. Going to look
into it and see if i can understand it.
On 11/19/2015 12:41 AM, Jochen Spieker wrote:
To remove every package and the package lists in apt/archives:
apt-get clean.
The package lists are unaffected by the clean operation. You do not need
to run an update afterwards.
What's not generally known is that apt comes with a cron job that can
perform house keeping. It can be configured in apt.conf like this:
Periodic {
// see: /etc/cron.daily/apt
Update-Package-Lists "0";
Download-Upgradeable-Packages "0";
AutocleanInterval "1";
MinAge "3";
MaxAge "7";
MaxSize "1024";
See the comments in /etc/cron.daily/apt. As far as I am aware, that's
the only place where this is documented.