I am having trouble with the Gnome Applications menu.

The problem is not present at boot-up.  It appears for no apparent
reason, sometimes weeks after bootup.

I click on "Applications" in the tool bar at the top of the screen.

The drop-down list of applications appears.

I hover over any of the categories, then move right to click on an

When I do that, the application DOES NOT launch.

However, if I go to Activities Overview in the Applications menu, then
click on one of the icons in the overview, or search for it using the
"Type to Search" bar, the application launches normally.

This problem occurs both in "Gnome" mode and in "Gnome Classic" mode.

My system has two seats, implemented with two video cards.  One of the
seats is set up with three virtual terminals.  When the problem occurs
it appears to affect all virtual terminals.

I am using lightdm instead of the Gnome display manager because I have
never been able make the two-seat configuration work with the Gnome
display manager (this goes back at least as far as Woody).

If I log out of all virtual terminals, then do /etc/init.d/lightdm
restart, then log in again, the problem is still present.

Rebooting makes the problem go away.  Reminds me of Windows.  Gross.

It almost looks as if a lock file somewhere is not being properly deleted.


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