On Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 11:20 AM, Martin Read <zen75...@zen.co.uk> wrote:
> On 20/11/15 15:07, Kynn Jones wrote:
>> Also, I set the contents of my `/etc/apt/preferences` file to this
>> (the file was empty before):
>>      Package: *
>>        Pin: release a=stable
> Looking at the Debian wiki's page on APT preferences[1] and comparing to
> your file, I notice that you haven't specified a Pin-Priority for this pin.

Thanks for pointing this out.  After much trial-and-error, I settled
for using this as the contents of my `preferences` file:

    Package: /^r-/
    Pin: release n=stretch
    Pin-Priority: 995

Now, when I run `apt-get dist-upgrade`, the proposed changes make more
sense to me.

But, WARNING to anyone who comes across this post: Use the above
configs at your own risk.  This is (still!) all voodoo to me,

Even after having read the documentation, it still happens with
distressing frequency (maybe a third of the time?) that `apt-get`
proposes actions that make absolutely no sense to me.  IOW, I hardly
understand `apt-get` at all.



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