Pretty Please,
tell me this isn't true:
The only sensible answer I got from debian list boils down to: "use proprietary 

This is truly sad, especially since I *know* Linux Mint (which is a debian 
derivative, through ubuntu parentage) does indeed work out-of-the-box with *no* 
configuration at all.

A desolate

Il 23/11/2015 14:40, Ric Moore ha scritto:
On 11/22/2015 10:44 AM, Mauro Condarelli wrote:
Thanks Ric,
care to share details on how You managed such a marvel?
How did You disable the internal (intel) "video card" (actually inside
the CPU chip)? From BIOS?
What other configuration did You do?

I just disabled the video feature in the bios. Then I loaded the nvidia driver. Then I used nvidia-settings 
to use xinerama and to configure the order of the monitors. When you "save to X configuration 
file", save it in your home directory as you are "user" and not able to save directly to 
/etc/X11. Open a terminal and "sudo cp xorg.conf /etc/X11"
to put it there. If you have monitors of differing size, the X Server Display 
Configuration will allow you to play tricks, like panning to a smaller screen 
to be bigger through scrolling. Slick! Ric

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