Renaud (Ron) OLGIATI <> writes:
>> > I have just added an eSATA outlet on my box; when I plug in a SATA
>> > disk, it is visible in gparted, its label is displayed in the Places
>> > column of PCManfm, but when I click on it I get an error
>> > "Authentication is required".
> Thanks; I should have asked:
> How do I get it to automount (without asking for authentification) ?

I think udisks treats drives attached via eSATA as "system" devices for
which the default policykit rules only allow mounting with
authentication.  These should show up as "HintSystem: true" in the
output of "udisksctl dump".

You could try marking them as UDISKS_SYSTEM=0 in a udev rule. See [1]
for how to do so.



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