Marc Shapiro <> writes:
> I decided, since this was just a test, to install systemd-sysv (which
> should remove sysvinit-core) so that I could see if booting with
> systemd would make a difference.   But...
> I can't install systemd-sysv.  I get the following:
> which suggests that it exists, but nothing is installable.  Now, I
> would be happier to get this working without systemd, but shouldn't
> systemd be installable?

Did you maybe pin systemd-sysv to make sure it didn't get installed?
Check /etc/apt/preferences & /etc/apt/preferences.d or the output of
"apt-cache policy systemd-sysv".

If you try systemd, you might want to make sure that "sysvinit" is
installed. This should provide an entry in grub's boot menu to start
with sysvinit in case anything goes wrong; with other bootloaders one
can pass init=/lib/sysvinit/init to do so.

Though it would surprise me a bit if this affects X in Jessie.


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