On Tue, 1 Dec 2015, Lisi Reisz wrote:

On Tuesday 01 December 2015 08:54:27 Mart van de Wege wrote:

Why not do your correspondents the courtesy of replying in the style *they* want?

That's fine, so long as you are not required to reply. And so long as you don't want the discussion to remain vaguely on track.

And, so long as you _know_ what that desired style is. I've been trading emails with my nephew for years with nary a peep from him that he was annoyed by, of all things, my email reply style. Last night, I guess he had just had it "up to HERE" with me and my pompous internet posing!

I have to think about this a bit more because I am starting to have it UP TO HERE with him just writing this message! <g>

Thanks all. I knew I could find cooler heads here than in my family.

Bob Bernstein

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