On Mon, 2015-11-30 at 21:04 -0500, Jape Person wrote:
> Make remote CUPS printers available locally
> Network Time Synchronization
> For several weeks I've been seeing this stop job notification for
> these 
> two items frequently when rebooting or shutting down two of my four 
> testing systems.
> The first notification counts all the way up to 1 min 30 sec before
> the 
> shutdown scroll restarts. The second notification only counts for a
> few 
> seconds before terminating.
> I'm a patient guy, but adding almost two minutes to almost every
> restart 
> or shutdown procedure gets a bit tedious after a while.

Yes, I have noticed this too, but with different services. So it's
probably not specific to CUPS or NTP.

Unfortunately it seems to always happen when I need to shutdown quickly
(thunderstorms). Would be great if it was possible to configure the
countdown to simply kill the service after a few seconds and proceed
with shutdown/reboot.

Sven Arvidsson

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