Bob Holtzman <> writes:

> Running Wheezy (7.9) on a reinstall after launching Jessie thru a wall.
> Reinstalled all my s/w including msmtp and fetchmail. I brought
> .fetchmailrc over from my backup as well as .msmtprc. Both had been
> working flawlessly on the previous install. Now when I run "fetchmail" I
> get "command not found". Perms on .fetchmailrc are 700. A search on
> various variations of Wheezy fetchmail "command not found" came up with 
> nothing.
> Any ideas, pointers or flames appreciated.

I assume when you say you get "command not found" you mean you get
"fetchmail: command not found".  If you mean you get anything else you
can stop reading right now, because everything else in what I'm writing
is assuming that.

Are you *sure* you installed fetchmail on the new system?  I know you
said you did, but that would be the most obvious problem.  You can run

dpkg -l fetchmail

and if it's there, you should get a line like

ii  fetchmail                  6.3.26-2           amd64              SSL 
enabled POP3, APOP, IMAP mail gatherer/forwarder

in your output.  Assuming it's there, run

dpkg -L fetchmail | less

and see where the fetchmail program itself is installed.  On my system, I get


Now, try

echo $PATH

to see if /usr/bin is in your path.  It sort of has to be; I can't
imagine how a system could be useable without it.

Anyway, those are some thoughts...

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