On Sun, 20 Dec 2015 15:51:22 -0500 (EST), David Baron wrote:
> So ... do I need the chroot and the binds and all this at all?

That's the recommended way.  Make sure that the edited copies of
/etc/lilo.conf, /etc/fstab, and /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume,
in the chrooted environment, all make sense for the new setup,
especially the "boot" and "root" configuration file records in
/etc/lilo.conf.  /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume must specify
the UUID of the swap partition.

I have another web page that may be helpful to you.  It shows an
example of copying a root file system for a virtual machine running
under z/VM in the s390x environment.  That is not your situation,
of course; but portions of it are applicable to your environment.
You may be able to separate the wheat from the chaff and figure out
what applies to your situation and what doesn't.  Then again, it may
only confuse you.  So I give you the link with some hesitation.
The parts that apply are the copying of the file system(s), and
setting up the chroot environment.  I hope it does more good than
harm.  Here it is:

The s390x environment uses a boot loader called zIPL, not LILO; but
zIPL's design is similar to LILO in that it does not understand the
structure of a Linux file system.  It simply reads a predetermined
list of blocks from the file system at boot time.

Also note that /boot must not use the btrfs filesystem.  This is an
undocumented restriction for both zIPL and LILO.  I recommend ext2
for /boot.  (If the partition size is small enough, you pretty much have
to use ext2.  ext3 and ext4 require a journal, and that in turn requires
a certain minimum partition size.)  Good luck.

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