On Wednesday 23 December 2015 21:07:34 Bob Bernstein wrote:

> On Wed, 23 Dec 2015, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > Try telling that to a couple school bus-loads of 7nth graders.
> I am struggling to understand what possible, unholy,
> agglomeration of powers and principalities might ever induce me
> even to get that close to a couple of 'em! I'll take a pass on
> that if it's okay with _everyone_ around here.
Amazingly, they actually paid a reasonable level of attention as I was 
giving them a synopsis of how television actually worked, in words they 
should understand.  It wasn't until I made the statement that I was 
fairly well paid, and by the time I am ready to retire, I'll have some 
input into choosing my replacement, and it would be nice to have a few 
of them in the stack of resumes on my desk, nipping at my heels to get 
such a job.  The news studio we were in exploded.  I asked why, and one 
boy, apparently accustomed to being the class clown, said "who in his 
right mind, would want such a job?" I replied, just loud enough he heard 
me, "you, if you can muster the IQ it takes, but you just demoed that 
you don't". 65 kids were holding their breath for the next few seconds 
but he had no reparte to that.

I came away with a lot less respect for the generation that will, or is, 
now running the show.

> > Its no wonder that people like me get accused of walking on
> > water, we are a dying breed.
> d00D! You nailed it! <g>
I'd like to think so.  My youngest, now north of 30, introduced me to the 
rest of the gang in his place of work, including his employer, by 
stating that "in any building I was in, my dad is the smartest one in 
the building."  He's obviously easily impressed.  And despite that it 
has happened in similar words before, it took me by total surprise.

How many others here can claim to have wired the house his father was 
building in 1946, at the age of 12.  How many others can claim that the 
tv cameras on the Trieste, when it went down into the mohole in Feburary 
1960, 37000 feet deep in the pacific, had their finger prints on the 
pcb's in it?  Its a pretty exclusive club and I would recognize most of 
the names yet.  Or tested the fuel pressure regulators for the original 
rocket (Atlas?) that gave John Glenn his first ride to the edge of 

There has been quite a list of BTDT's over the last 67 years while trying 
to earn a living, not all of which were so "romantic", but you do what 
you have to do to keep groceries in the house & the utilitis turned on.

I guess that is one of the trade marks of a "doer".  And I'm 
still 'doing'.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
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