On Wed, Dec 23 2015,Udyant Wig wrote:

> On 12/23/2015 12:15 PM, Sivaram Neelakantan wrote:
>> I installed TexLive recently and during one of the upgrades, the
>> entire texdoc package got installed too.  that is humoungous and I'd
>> like to remove the doc packages alone and also stop future installs of
>> the same type whenever I Upgrade TexLive.
>   An appreciable problem.
>   # To remove all installed packages with `texlive' and `doc' in their
>   # names:
>   # aptitude remove '~i~ntexlive~ndoc'
>   # To prevent these packages from getting installed later:
>   # aptitude hold '~ntexlive~ndoc'

Thanks for that.  I shall try it out and report my progress on the same

[snipped 6 lines]

>>  sivaram
>>  --
>   Minor note: I do not recall seeing signatures like yours.

That's true because I'm using Gnus and I've not got around to
correcting the initial blank in the config file


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