On Monday 28 December 2015 12:35:01 John Hasler wrote:

> Gene writes:
> > And I haven't carved up a pcb to hold it all yet either.
> I never do pcbs for this sort of thing.  I just solder point to point
> on a breadboard.  Printed circuit boards are for production.

Which, since I was in the environs of a surviving radio shack this 
morning, I stopped in and picked up a couple breadboards.
> > The qucs simulation is hampered by its lack of two part models, a
> > decent hexfet, and a total lack of anything that looks like a 40 Amp
> > SSR.
> The circuit simulators in the Debian archive have libraries of models
> for all these things.
> BTW many SSRs can be driven directly by logic.  Here's one:
> https://www.sparkfun.com/products/13015

What I have are clones of the crydom SSR, 3-32 volts & around 10 mills to 
fire them. I have it making about 1.35 volts into a 100k load right now, 
and since the shack didn't have any small hexfets, I've used some 
2n2222a I had, and have put 100 ohms between the collector of a 2n2222a 
and the - bolt, with about 18 volts connected to the + bolt.  Not tested 
yet, my back gave out, but probably by the time the day is done I'll 
know if it works.  Response time looks to be around 100 milliseconds, 
plenty fast enough when driven by my function generator set at 4.5 v 
p-p.  The Breakout Board can swing to nearly 5 volts, but probably 
capable of less current than the generator, which could slow the 
response, but this job can tolerate a seconds lag if it has to.

> And here's an application note:
> http://www.wrcakron.com/catalog/10b_SSR_Applications.pdf

I'll grab that, it could be educational.  Thanks.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
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