On 30/10/15 09:36, Reco wrote:
Specifing $SOME_IP instead of should be possible, although I have to admit that I've never tried it ( does not count). But 'refused to start' lacks some specific details: 1) What vnc stanza have you use? 2) What's the list of IPs on the host that runs QEMU?

VNC follows the simple rule: VNC port + 5900 = TCP port. So, you should either use tcp port 11801, or specify Reco

Sorry for the delay in picking this up, I do a bit of experimenting with it as and when.

It works now it was because I was trying to specify the port literally rather than +1. Who thought of that? It seems rather strange. Does than mean you cant put it on a port below 5900?

Also is there any option in QEMU to require some sort of VNC authentication? I cant find anything online about it under QEMU but I believe the VNC protocol does support authentication? Would it for example be possible to ask it to verify a users username & password against the standard Debian users file and even go one step further and allow or deny access to certain qemu guests based on the users group?

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