
I did the Jigdo build on Windows, but I installed Debian from DVD, and
that went just swimmingly right up until the post-installation first
boot. Actually the system was OK, but for some reason, it set my sound
card's volumes, all of them, to 0. That is now being investigated by
Debian accessibility and I may put a bug report in about it. After I
solved that problem with amixer, it's all OK now.

On Wed, 30 Dec 2015 17:11:14 -0800, you wrote:

>> On Dec 30, 2015, at 1:34 PM, Thomas Schmitt <scdbac...@gmx.net> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Steve Matzura wrote:
>>> didn't do anything to the medium before using a ISO2USB to write to it.
>> Do not use any repacker tool with the debian-cd ISOs.
>> Rather copy them plainly onto the base device of the USB drive.
>> E.g. onto /dev/sdc if it is at a Linux machine.
>> See
>>  https://www.debian.org/CD/faq/#write-usb
>> with the advise to use cp or dd and its link to
>>  http://sourceforge.net/projects/win32diskimager/
>> Have a nice day :)
>> Thomas
>Hi Thomas,
>Maybe you missed the run-up to this discussion.  Steve only has a Windows 
>computer right now.  He’s trying to get Linux running so he can learn more 
>about it.  I don’t know whether he wants to dual-boot or if he has a separate 
>computer for Linux, but it doesn’t matter for this discussion.  He doesn’t 
>have access to a Linux machine, so dd or cp are not available.  Whatever tools 
>he uses have to run on Windows.

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