I'm trying to get NFS going with a Wheezy server and a Jessie client using Webmin and vi. It connects, but mounts the directory and file with nobody:nogroup as the user:group (and nobody isn't set to universe read/write -- tried to do that, but NFS won't let me).

I see from the 'Net that this is a common problem, but the solutions seem to involve (some) files/programs that don't exist on these machines. Nor in Aptitude.

The UID:GID are identical on the server and the client, both numbers and text. I've tried both NFS4 and vanilla NFS. There seems to be no difference.

I changed the nobody name to myself (ghe) in /etc/idmapd.conf, and created a new user (gheqw). Now ls says the directory on the client is owned by gheqw:nogroup. That doesn't make any sense to me at all.

When I turn off the NFS mount at the server, the directory on the client goes back to being owned by me, and the file disappears (both expected behavior).

There are too many variables here: 2 computers, many files, and far too many [SOLVED] pages on the 'Net. I'm pretty sure I've made a mess in the config files (whichever they are). Anybody know exactly what to say, in which file(s) on which computer(s), to deal with this?

T much IA...

Glenn English

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