Yes, very helpful. I'll look at mount options.

Here's what I did on the old Windows server:

Each user had their own login.

All logins sent to the same read-only area, with one subdirectory in
which all users could write. I know how to set that all up with
regular FTP servers like ProFTPD.

Other subdirectories were symbolically linked to the user login
directory. Sounds like mounting these remote shares at, or as, mount
points in the user login directory would be the proper thing to do,
yes? Then ssh for FTP would work just fine.

On Thu, 31 Dec 2015 14:19:05 -0300, you wrote:

>Hi, Steve.
>On 31/12/15 14:07, Steve Matzura wrote:
>> That locks the user in their home directory, but I have to give them
>> access to other things outside that directory, just not let them go
>> walking around and get into any other directory on the system. That's
>> why I was thinking of VSFTP, which locks the user into their home
>> directory, doesn't use ssh, uses TLS or something else, and lets the
>> administrator define a list of places where the user can go.
>If the user has to access different directories trees, then maybe you
>could use the "bind" mount option for that from a single path the user
>can access to paths that are not included each other.
>I hope this is useful.
>Best regards,

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